The Noisy Show LIVE!

The Noisy Show LIVE!
A musical experience of in cooperation with Cafe extase.
Live up for this night:
– Xalpheon
– Demanufacturer
– The Relic
– Carnage & Cluster
The first of (hopefully) many!
Every night will be dedicated to 1 or 2 genres that are known within Noisj. Artists will be doing 1,5/2 hour sets. The artists will be coming from Noisj, our friends and talents!
Good thing is; it’s almost for free…. Entrance fee is only 2 euro! (door sale only)
For the events in March, April, May and June we are looking for new talents. If you think that you need to be seen by us and the world (small hint here), sent us a demo, if possible with a video as well. The best will be selected to come and have stage time on these evenings. Feel how it is to play on stage without any fear. We will back you up when needed
Oh, and if we are impressed about your performance, we might ask you to play on one of the upcoming NORAD or Into The Dark Lands… No pressure!
More info about the events is coming soon, reserve the dates in your calendars and bring your friends as well!
For the talents: Send your demo using wetransfer and use as receipient. In your subject use ‘Demo Noisy show live’. Try to present yourself a little in the email.
See y’all soon!
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