[R23006] Cubic Nomad – Magical Walks
Walking through nature, letting your mind wander, building an awareness of all things supporting life; and at the same time going with the rhythm of modern life, keeping up with the pace of cultural progress. It’s that old dichotomy which is displayed in the selection of Cubic Nomad’s fourth of his albums outside the club continuum (and sixth in total). Appearing more introvert than ever, there are two main storylines that alternate along the walk: Lost-in-reverie ambient pieces reflecting nature and sullen downbeat electronica with prominent shuffling rhythms. Throw in a couple of bemused piano instrumentals and new mixes of the two most recent adult pop tunes with vocalist Emma Susanne, and you sure will enjoy this 70 minutes magical walk.
“Magical Walks” is somewhat of a retreat for Maurice Pinkster, an authentic and heartfelt production in totally up-to-date quality and sound design. The opener – and title track – sets the swaggering pace for the gently rhythmic tunes that run through the album like a common thread; moody and captivating, and coping almost entirely without vocals, except for a few sparse samples in the dystopian soundscape that’s “Harrison Bergeron”, referencing a classic Vonnegut short story. It’s in that same vein that Cubic Nomad’s remix for Mystake aka Hungarian producer Mystification works. The nature tracks on this album are sound sketches actually, short sonic paintings inspired by places, animals.
Those two styles keep alternating with some more diversion thrown in: Emma Susanne’s unmistakeable vocal performances on “Angry Eyes” and “No Angel, and lush piano instrumentals, with the Embrionyc collaboration “Northern Lights” making for the grand finale.
“Magical Walks” is a tribute to beauty, a confession of love for life, thoughtful and sensitive, an invitation to immerse oneself in the sound of Cubic Nomad.
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